Stochastic Eclectica

Friday, July 06, 2007

A Letter to Some Senators (that ostensibly represent me)
apres le commutation

Dear Senators,

With the commutation of Lewis "Scooter" Libby's sentence, Bush and his administration have again graphically demonstrated their contempt for the Constitution, and for the rest of us that are held accountable to the law.

I know that you must feel some loyalty to him as the nominal leader of your party, but your ultimate loyalty should be to the people that you were elected to serve. When leaders such as the President and Vice President callously disregard their solemn oaths and duties to instead enrich themselves and their cronies at the expense of the taxpayers, of the lives of thousands of soldiers and Marines, and of international goodwill built up over generations, you have the power and responsibility to stop them.

If I cannot sway you in the name of loyalty to your constituents, then let me appeal to your loyalty to yourselves and your party. Anyone with eyes to see and ears to hear knows that this administration is dragging the country down a dark and treacherous path. Anyone that does not speak out, that does not bar the way, is guilty by association. This does not bode well for the electoral future of Republicans that do not have the conscience or strength of character to end the ongoing atrocity in the White House.


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