Stochastic Eclectica

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

I Take (Some of It) Back

OK, I admit that the Bastille Day reference was a little over the top. In my defense, I was pissed off and on a roll. Also, it's a really good song.

The concept of tearing down authoritarian power structures is one I support, but preferably not by violence. The fall of the Bastille followed by a leadership vacuum led inexorably to the Reign of Terror and then to Napoleonic imperialism. Chaos and civil war are undesirable outcomes. Marsupial jurisprudence is an affront to civilization whether in eighteenth century France or twenty-first century America.

There is an authoritarian power structure here that needs to be torn down. Police powers to detain and surveil should be brought back into line with the Constitution. Abuses of power should be exposed to the cleansing fire of sunlight. These abuses have been most egregious under the present cabal of usurpers, but they are sadly not unique in this regard. Those responsible (all of them, from any political faction) should be publicly charged and tried with the full force and due process of the law.

I admit that "Day-Glo Jumpsuit Day" doesn't quite have the same esprit as "Bastille Day", but I'll take it.


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